So I saw this bumper sticker last week and it looked like a cross but with an arrow pointing up. Now I am not sure what it actually meant but I thought to myself, it reminds me of when you come to an intersection and you can turn right or left or go straight head. You could also turn around, I guess if you wanted.
I thought when I come to an intersection in my life, what do I do? Do I pray about it? Do I make a snap decision or do I look up, like with the arrow? I have found that I usually make a snap decision and just turn right or left. I might even consult my GPS but never God.
God wants us to consult Him. He wants us to come to Him in prayer or even just to have a chat and tell him our troubles, our crossroads or our intersections. I sit at times and look up, like with the arrow, and tell Him what is on my heart. I tell Him my concerns and worries. I tell Him that I need help handling a situation but when it comes to that intersection when it is easier to make that snap decision, that is what I do.
My dearest best friend has told me to pray about everything. Don’t make rash decisions. Leave it with Him. Wait for your answer. Why don’t I have the patience to do that? He really has patience with me!
The bumper sticker made me really think. Susan, you need to look up!
When you come to that intersection, look up! I am here for you! Don’t look left or right. Don’t turn around. Look up! I have the answer. I AM the answer in most things. He truly IS the I AM!
I read a lot of license plates and bumper stickers. Some are cute. Some are awful but something like this I take as a sign. Look up people! I am here! He is up there for you and me. So let us all look up!
Susan Gahan